We ship with the post office almost daily
except for Sundays and holidays

Our online catalog features only PayPal for secure instant online ordering
with your credit card or PayPal account and is
for customers in the United States ONLY.

We do not ship internationally.

If you want your order shipped as a GIFT to another address, you need to let us know.
We'll be happy to leave out the packing slip and even include a
gift card!




Orders paid in any way except personal checks are shipped
as soon as possible after your figurines have been finished
(remember, we do the custom work in our studio one figurine at a time).
Paying with a personal check postpones shipping for
one week.

To send us your order through the mail,
simply print out and fill in our MAIL-IN ORDER FORM
where you'll find all the information you need.



   Include the following information with all orders sent through email or regular mail:

   Item Number(s), Quantity, and Individual Price.


                     FD081, 1, $33.99
                     FC018, 2, $22.99

Include your name, shipping address, and phone number (optional in case we have any questions).  The prices shown in this example may be old prices. 


   Insured Shipping Fees within the United States are:

   Orders up to $25.00 . . . . . . . . . $  8.50
   $25.01 to $75.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.25
   $75.01 to $150.00 . . . . . . . . . . . $17.50
   $150.01 to $200.00 . . . . . . . . . . $21.25
   $200.01 and above . . . . . . . . . . $27.00

Please NOTE: Shipping to US territories
may cost a little more.

Shipping charges for orders above $200.00 are done on an individual basis and depend on the weight as well as the total dollar amount.  When you pay through PayPal, you will automatically be charged $27.00 for shipping.  This amount will be credited toward the actual shipping charge yet to be determined.  If you're placing a large order, PLEASE notify us first so you can find out what the shipping charge will be.  If you place a large order without notifying us first, we reserve the right to send you a payment request for the additional monies due for shipping or to refund your payment.

   FREE INSURANCE -- Your order is shipped fully insured at no extra charge.

   Please note that  
INDIANA  residents must add  7%  STATE SALES TAX.


         Credit Cards or Electronic Checks (using our shopping cart with PayPal)
         Money Orders
         Cashiers Checks
         Personal Checks (shipping postponed for one week while personal checks clear)


All Money Orders, Cashiers Checks and Personal Checks
need to be made out to "Richard or Gina FioRito".




To mail your order (with payment),


   Include your name and shipping address (phone number optional in case of any questions).
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY...Failure to do so may delay your order.

Please make your payment out to
Richard or Gina FioRito 


   Mail your order with payment to:
       Richard or Gina FioRito
1283 Worcester Drive
       Greenwood, IN 46143

We will email you when your order and payment have arrived. Please be sure to clearly write your email!

IMPORTANT  INFORMATION  BELOW...please take the time to read it.